Orbit 710 Ltrs side by side door Refrigerator

3 years ago Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Ad Views:2.5k Ad ID: 1932

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  • Ad ID1932
  • Posted On3 years ago
  • Ad Views2.5k
  • Price49,000 Br


Orbit 710 Ltrs side by side door Refrigerator

�Orginal 0913507199

10 years warranty

Starting from 203 Ltrs to 700Ltrs Orbit refrigerators are waiting for you with � amazing price.Choice the one suit you.

�Capacity: 710 Liters

�Energy Efficiency -Extra High

�Frost Free

�Energy auto Saving

�Interior Lighting

�ከፍተኛ የሀይል ብቃት

�710ሊትር የመያዝ አቅም

� Auto ሀይል ቆጣቢ...

Price �ETB 49,000

� Free Delivery Service��

�10 አመት ሙሉ ዋስትና ጋር

�ለክፍለ ሀገርም ሆነ ለአዲስ አበባ ደንበኞቻችን ያሉበት ቦታ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን ���

�� በጅምላ ለሚገዙ ደበኞች ቅናሽ አለን��

Contact order: 0913561056



አድራሻ : ጎጃም በረንዳ

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